
Software Test Services: Spiral Software Development Model

Spiral model of the software development lifecycle is similar to the Incremental model, but with more focus on the analysis of the requirements and risks. 

Development Phases of Spiral Model
- Planning.
- Risk Analysis.
- Development.

On the Planning stage, the dedicated testing team gathers the initial requirements. After the stage of risk analysis and software product prototyping – testers start writing the code, which finishes with performing software testing services. 
The last “spiral” stage ends with the period when customers evaluate all the done work. And when the work is excepted – testers can proceed to the next spiral.

- The software starts working already from the beginning of the SDLC.
-  Requirements definition and risk analysis in the product allow testers to create documentation and prevent critical risks in the following steps.
-  There is a possibility to add new functionality in later stages/rounds.

- The project success depends on a broad product analysis.
- This model requires highly qualified specialists.
- Is suitable for the small projects.
- It is an expensive model because of the attraction of business analytics and managers on requirements, who should be engaged in the process periodically on each of the first two stages of the Spiral model.

It is Recommended to Use When:
- There are significant risks in the developed product.
- Time-consuming project.
- Requirements can change depending on the market conditions.
- Complex requirements in the developed product.

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